Preparations to Study Abroad Trip

Preparations to Study Abroad Trip

You can have a wonderful journey when you take the preparations to a study abroad trip. The thought of studying abroad is fascinating. But along with the excitement, the worries of departure and its processing also create overwhelmed emotions. You are excited because you found your desired study abroad program, but your happiness turns into a fear of the preparations you need to take.

I know many things are revolving in your mind like which things you should carry with you, how you can carry money and mobile with you and many more. Every process before studying abroad should be error-free and well organized.

To make your study abroad preparations hassle-free, I am giving some essential tips that you should include in your To-Do list.

Preparations to Study Abroad Trip always begin by Applying for your passport and Visa

Without a passport, you cannot take a flight abroad. Preparations to study abroad trip always begins by applying for your passport and visa. Make sure your passport hasn’t expired or is not expired within 6 months of your stay abroad. If you have travelled abroad before, make sure your passport has a blank page.

On the other hand, if you don’t have a passport, make sure to apply for it before studying abroad. Sometimes, passport processing takes a lot of time.

Once you make a visa application, you need to apply for a Visa. Different visa requirements have different countries. So go through your favourite study destination’s State department website and learn about the requirements. You can visit the embassy of your desired destinations to know about visa requirements.

Figure out your finance is mandatory preparation for a study abroad trip

Figure out your finance is mandatory preparation for a study abroad trip. You need to set up your online bank account and take the foreign currency to meet little expenses. Carry your credit card for bigger expenses. Besides, carrying some cash with you will be helpful for you in an emergency.

Inform your bank that you will be abroad

Another crucial thing is to inform your bank that you are moving abroad. If you don’t inform them, they might lock your account.

Visit a travel doctor before flying abroad

Before migrating abroad, visit a travel doctor to ensure you’re in good health. For emergencies, bring your medical reports with you. Moreover, it is essential to know the immunization requirements of the foreign country. You must be immunised before studying abroad. Do visit the disease control and prevention center to know the latest disease.

Furthermore, if you are prescribed specific medicine by the doctor for a critical medical condition, bring enough medicine with you in a correctly labeled container. Besides, you should take the prescription and medical reports with you.

Take necessary language exams to qualify in international universities

Studying abroad always requires proficiency in the language to communicate appropriately and do the assignments properly. If you are trying to migrate to the UK, USA, or Canada, you must take an International English Language Testing System.

Research the local customs, people, and culture of the destinations

Researching the local customs, people, and culture of the destinations of the study abroad country will bring many benefits for you. Learning about your soon-to-be country’s home culture, history, traditions, and restricted works will help you familiarize yourself with the country soon.

Buy a plane ticket to study abroad

Plane ticket fares usually vary from time to time. You will be in luck if you find a cheap ticket. In this case, go through the websites that work with plane tickets and fares. Here you might find a cheap ticket for your desired destination. Besides, you can take help from an agency like AIMS Education. They will help you in all these processes.

Pack everything wisely before studying abroad

To pack everything wisely before studying abroad is a must. I know departing to another country means you have to curtail your list of favourite things and take the most important ones. Before travelling:

  1. 1. Learn the luggage allowance to avoid extra fees.
    2. Always pack three-two weeks before your time to take the flight.
    3. Make a list of the essential belongings.
    4. Take necessary travel-sized toiletries.

Divide your belongings to the carry-on and checked luggage. Vital things like ornaments, cash, electronics, medicine, prescriptions, toiletries, change of clothes in your carry-on.

Copy important documents for taking overseas education

Always make digital and paper copies of important documents for taking overseas education like passports, certificates, credit card info, insurance and place them in secure places like your email or one drive. But also take another copy of them to your family so that you can take them if somehow you lost your one.

Make a cell phone plan to settle in a foreign country

Leaving your family to set your study abroad journey is painful. You can not sit together, laugh together. But you can connect virtually and share everything. So before your departure, make a cell phone plan. I won’t suggest you take an international plan as it is unsustainable and over-priced when you stay abroad for more than a week. So, take pay as a go plan and a local sim card. On the other hand, you can connect through WhatsApp or Skype.

Organise your plan for airport transfer

Before arriving at the foreign land, you must organise your plan for airport transfer. If you arrange your airport transfer beforehand, it will reduce extra costs.

Now as you know the preparations you should take to make a study abroad trip, you also remember some facts. An easy thing becomes complicated if you don’t know the process perfectly. So I will advise you to take the help of an experienced and well-known agency.

If you ask me to tell you the best one, I would suggest you take the help of AIMS Education-Your One-Stop Study Solution. AIMS Education combines the best counselors and experts who have real-life experience studying abroad. From the entry requirements to departure, AIMS Education will help you through the journey.

FAQ -Frequently Asked Question

Q: How to check my eligibility to study abroad?

Ans: To know if you are eligible to study abroad, always
check the university’s entry requirements to which you will apply.

Q: Will international education help me to find a good job?

Ans: Yes, obviously, an international education will strongly impact your CV, which will attract employers a lot.

Q: What will I do if I can’t afford the cost of studying abroad?

Ans: For international students, there are many scholarships and bursaries available. Besides, many international universities will allow the students to work part-time.

Q: Should I need to take an educational agent help to study abroad?

Ans: While applying to an international university, you can apply directly by taking an expert counsellor’s help. AIMS Education has many proficient educational counsellors who will help you from the beginning to the end of your journey to study abroad.


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