January 2024 Intake in UK Universities

January 2024 Intake in UK Universities

Have you missed September 2023 intake to study in the UK? No worries, you can apply for January 2024 intake in UK. Among the popular countries the United Kingdom is the most desired study destination for international students. The gentle countryside, diverse weather and vibrant culture always prompts international students to study in the UK. As an international student maybe you are not aware about the intake offerings of UK universities. So, in this article we tried to cover January 2024 intake in UK universities. So, if you are planning to study in the UK for upcoming intake, hopefully this article will help you a lot. 

Why study in UK?

Previously we said the United Kingdom is the most demanding higher education destination. But now you may ask for the definite reason of why you should study in the UK. If you are planning to study in the UK for January 2024 intake, you should go through the reasons properly. 

  • High quality education

The UK education system is renowned worldwide for their personalized educational approaches that are designed to make the students more skilled and intellectual. 

  • Flexibility

The UK government is very flexible for international students to provide a UK student visa. Not only that you will get available work opportunities and the student support services during your term time. 

  • Affordable cost

If you are planning to study in the UK for January 2024 intake, you will find the top-ranked universities with affordable tuition fees. 

  • Part time and post study work opportunities

The United Kingdom offers numerous part-time jobs to the students during their term time. Not only that you will get available jobs after completing your graduation also. You can switch your student visa to a graduate route visa and stay in the UK extra 2 years with a work permit which is called PSW. 

  • Scholarship opportunities

The United Kingdom offers many standard scholarships for international students. And in most cases you don’t have to apply for those scholarships. The university will mention your scholarship amount directly in your offer letter. If you apply for January 2024 intake in UK universities you will also get the mentioned amount of scholarship in your course. 

Popular Intakes at UK universities

In general the UK universities offer 3 intakes such as fall, winter and summer. You can also call these intakes as September, January and May intake. September is the primary intake in the UK as every university participates in this intake. After September, January is the most important intake in the UK. So, if you’ve already missed September 2023 intake you can apply for January 2024 intake in UK.  

January 2024 intake in UK

January intake is the most popular study intake in UK after September intake. If you are planning to apply for January 2024 intake in UK, you may look for the best universities, available course options, scholarships and other factors that are mandatory for yourself. January is the month of winter so it is called the winter intake. Before applying for January 2024 intake in UK universities at first you should know every detail about this intake. So, let’s discuss. 

Popular universities for January 2024 intake in UK

As an international student it is very natural that you will look for the top-ranked universities. But it is quite tough for you to search for the best one. So, here we are giving the names of some popular universities for January 2024 intake in UK. 

Available courses for January 2024 intake in UK universities

Though September is the primary intake at UK universities, you will find many courses available in January intake also. January intake mostly offers business courses. Here we are giving some popular courses for January 2024 intake in UK

Scholarship opportunities for January 2024 intake in UK

Are you looking for the scholarship opportunities for January 2024 intake in UK? Alright. Basically, scholarships of UK universities remain the same in every intake. The scholarship amount generally depends on the university authority. If you apply for a course in the UK you will get upto £1500 – £2000 pound scholarship on average. 

Time Schedule for January 2024 intake in UK universities

The UCAS deadline for September 2023 intake is 30th June. So, if you’ve missed the September 2023 intake to study in the UK, now it’s high time to get prepared for the January 2024 intake in UK. So, here we are giving you the time schedule for January 2024 intake at UK universities.

Time FrameActivities
April - June 2023Research & Shortlist universities
June- September 2023Prepare for the English tests
September- November 2023Submit an application forms
October-November 2023Wait for the university to respond and secure offer letter
November-December 2023Work on finances and apply for the student visa
December-January 2024Book air tickets and get prepared for flying

Step by step application guidelines for January 2024 intake in UK

Previously we discussed the time schedule for January 2024 intake in UK, now we will discuss step by step guidelines to apply for January intake at UK universities. 

Research and shortlist universities

Before applying for a university abroad, you should research the universities based on your requirements and make a shortlist of them. If you are planning to apply for January 2024 intake in UK you should start this process from the month April to June. 

Prepare for the English test

If you are planning to study in the UK you should sit for the English test to prove your English language proficiency. To submit your English test proficiency certificate in appropriate time you should take an English exam from the month June to September. 

Submit the application form

If you want to get an offer early for January 2024 intake in UK universities,  you should submit your application form to the university authority from the month September to November. 

Getting respond and replies to the university emails

After submitting your application to the university you should wait for the university to reply. Once you get an email from the university you should reply as early as possible and try to fulfill the university requirements.

Work on finances 

After getting an unconditional offer from the university you should work on the bank statement that you need to provide the university to show your financial solvency. 

Apply for the visa 

After getting the CAS letter from the university you should apply for the visa as early as possible by the month November to December.

Book air tickets and get prepared for traveling 

After completing all the formal process for January 2024 intake in UK, you should book your air tickets and prepare for traveling to the university by the month December to January.

Pros and cons of January 2024 intake in UK

Previously we said that January is the second most important intake after September. But before applying for a university, you should know about the pros and cons of January 2024 intake in UK. 

Pros of January 2024 intake in UK

  • You can start a new journey of your life from the beginning of a year
  • Most demanding intake after September
  • Available work opportunities

Cons of January 2024 intake in UK

  • Engineering or science related courses are not available
  • Shorter time duration than September intake
  • January is the winter intake so finding jobs or doing classes are quite difficult than September intake

Final Words

So, are you planning to study in the UK in January 2024 intake? January is the second most important intake after September. In this article we tried to cover every important information about January 2024 intake in UK, hopefully, it helped you a lot. But if you still have any queries about January intake at UK universities you can always contact AIMS Education without any hesitation.


Does the UK offer January 2024 intake?

Ans: Yes. The UK offers January intake. The application of January 2024 intake in UK will start from the month September.

How many intakes are available in UK?

Ans: There are 3 intakes available in UK such as September, January and May. September is called the fall intake, January is called winter intake and May is called summer intake.

Is January intake in the UK good for international students?

Ans: Yes. January is the most important intake after September. You will find many universities available in this intake. If you have missed September 2023 intake you should get prepared to apply for January 2024 intake in UK.

What is January intake called in UK?

Ans: January intake is called winter intake in UK. If you are planning to study in the UK for January 2024 intake you should start your application by September 2023 to November 2023.

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