AIMS Education

CGPA To Percentage Calculator | Convert your CGPA to Percentage

CGPA To Percentage Calculator | Convert your CGPA to Percentage

Are you looking for the option to convert your CGPA to a percentage? CGPA, elaborately which is called Cumulative grade point average. It is a method of grading your academic excellence. It helps to measure your academic performance in school or university.  Different countries possess different grading systems through which they evaluate the student’s academic

CGPA To Percentage Calculator | Convert your CGPA to Percentage Read More »

Ulster University scholarships for international Students

Ulster University scholarships for international Students

Among the UK Universities Ulster is one of the top-ranked popular universities for international students. The university offers affordable tuition fees with standard scholarships. As an international student you may always look for the best university abroad that also offers a standard amount of scholarships. But the fact is getting admitted to a university abroad

Ulster University scholarships for international Students Read More »

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