Best Countries for International Students 2022

Best Countries for International Students 2022

There are 195 countries in the world. But international students only choose a few countries to study abroad. This article will discuss the best countries for international students in 2022.

Studying in the best countries for an international student is a beautiful dream. Choosing the appropriate country for overseas education requires many things to review. Students prefer the study destination based on many things. Quality teaching, career options, climate, work opportunity, and tuition fees matter greatly.

Choosing the best study destination among many deserving countries is challenging. An international student considers many things before studying abroad: job opportunities, education system and accommodation cost, and post-work permission.

Some countries take the lion’s share of students’ preferences. It is because of the language, country education rating, comfort zone, and many more.

We have reviewed international students‘ academic, career, and country choices. The result we find is in the list.

Studying in the UK for international students

The UK is the top choice of international students. The UK is the most preferred and desirable destination. And it is according to the best countries for international students 2024. According to QS city rank, the United Kingdom has a group of best student cities. London, Edinburgh, Manchester, Glasgow, Coventry, Nottingham, Birmingham, Aberdeen, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and Brighton. To study in the UK for an international student has many benefits.

Migrating to a foreign land, an international student wants to earn while studying. International students can work 20 hours per week during their term time. On the other hand, on holidays a student can work full time. Students can get valuable work experience to develop employability skills and job-seeking strategies.

Of the total student population in the UK, 20.7% are international students. The percentage of international undergraduates and postgraduates is 14.9%. And 37.1%. Besides, 666,815 are studying for UK degrees overseas.

The UK provides affordable tuition fees and scholarships for international students. Besides, part-time work permission makes students independent.

Moreover, a graduate visa in the UK permits a student to stay for 2 years in the UK after completing the course. In addition, the UK is famous because of its short duration course. A full-time bachelor’s degree usually takes 3 years to complete. Thus studying the UK for an international student can bring many benefits.

Studying in the United States for international students

The best countries for international students in 2022, Unites States ranked the top. Studying in the USA for an international student can bring many benefits. Students prefer the UK because of the internationally-focused education system. Studying in the USA for an international student is a package of good things.

The quality education, opportunities, unique curriculum, and multicultural environment make USA the Prominent. Besides, an international student will get part-time work permission for 20 hours per week. An international student with a valid F-1 status can work for 20 hours per week on-campus and 40 hours per week when classes are not.

Besides, a part-time student can earn in the USA approximately $7.00 to $9.00 per hour. Moreover, if you are skilled enough, you may get $10 or more per hour. San Diago, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia are the most affordable city in the USA. ( According to QS best cities)

Engineering, Law, Management, biology, life science, medicine are popular in the USA. Massachusetts Institution of Technology, Stanford University, Harvard University, California Institute of Technology, University of Chicago are the top universities. ( /2024). In addition, the US has 271 most ranked schools and institutions, announced by the US news. ( according to the best global ranking in 2022). Besides, there are many merit-based scholarships in the USA for international students.

Studying in Canada for international students

The best country for international students in 2022 is Canada. According to the QS world ranking 2022, there are 28 universities from Canada. Besides, the University of Toronto, McGill University, University of British Columbia are in the top 50. Besides, international students prefer Canada because of its low-cost tuition fees. The quality of education and quality of living make it prominent.

An international student can work up to 20 hours per week by enrolling at a Canadian university. Completing an undergraduate degree will take three to four years in Canada. And the postgraduation will take one to three years, depending on the degree.

Besides, Canada is providing a postgraduation work permit for international students. The length of the work permit may vary from 8 months to 3 years according to the duration of the study program. Studying in Canada for international students is a wise decision. The University of Toronto, McGill University, University of British Columbia, University of Montreal, University of Alberta are in the top 130. ( According to QS university ranking)

Besides, Canada’s Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa are in the top 20 as the best student cities in 2022. Studying in Canada for international students is best for immigration opportunities.

Studying in Australia for international students

Another best country for international students in 2024 is Australia. Studying in Australia for international students has immense benefits. Studying in Australia for an international student is also very beneficial. A student can focus on research and innovation. Besides, many scholarships and a wide range of affordable courses are available in Australia.

The Australian National University, University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, University of New South Wales, and the University of Queensland are in the top 50. ( According to the QS world ranking)

A Bachelor’s degree or Master’s by coursework degree will provide a two-year postgraduation work visa. Students who take research degrees will get a three-year post-study work visa. Besides, there are many top scholarships available in Australia.

Australia is a top-rated destination for international students. It has lower tuition fees, incredible work opportunities, easily accessible visas, and internships.

Studying in Germany for international students

Germany is a good study destination for many international students. In comparison to other countries, Germany is very affordable for international students. Germany is not an English-speaking country, but it offers a wide range of programs in English. Besides, students prefer German education because most of its courses are free. And the living expense also affordable.

Germany has many world-ranked universities, varieties courses, globally valued degrees. Furthermore, students will get many scholarships opportunity by studying in Germany. So to study in Germany for international students is very effective.

Studying in France for international students

France is another country on the list of the Best countries for international students in 2024. If you seek a sophisticated and dynamic environment for studying abroad, France can be a good choice. Studying in France will put extra value on your resume due to its active involvement in the European Union and Eurozone, G7, NATO, WTO, etc. Besides, France is renowned for language learning.

If students plan short-term courses in France, they cannot stay in France after completing the course. As per the immigration rules of the country, they have to leave France if they don’t have any work permits. On the other hand, a student will get permission to stay in the country after completing the course if they chase long-term courses like Bachelors and Masters.

So these are the best countries for international students in 2022 to study abroad. However, there are many on the list like New Zealand, Ireland, The Netherlands, Italy, China, and Singapore.

Pros and Cons of studying abroad for international students 2024

Studying abroad has a bunch of benefits. But due to the cost of living, food, tuition fees, and environment, there are also some positive and negative aspects. They are:


  • An opportunity to immerse in a different culture, enhance skills and experience.
  • Learning the new language, making friends.
  • You may learn about your strength and weakness, and know yourself better.
  • A foreign degree will make a huge positive impact on your CV which will be well appreciated by the employer.
  • Scholarships will help you financially, and you can work part-time during your studying.


  • You may suffer from homesickness.
  • At the beginning, you may experience cultural shock.

Now, as you know the best countries for international students, you may search for an agency that can provide you with all the support from the application process to visa processing to study abroad. To help you out, AIMS Education is constantly working to create a smooth journey for you to study abroad. We are very committed to our work.

FAQ -Frequently Asked Question

Q: Which countries are best for international students to study abroad?

Ans: The countries for international students to study abroad are the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, China, and many more.

Q: Which countries are best to find jobs for international students?

Ans: UK, USA, Canada, Australia are always open to offering part-time jobs to international students.

Q: Which country has the best education system?

Ans: The UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Germany has the best education system.
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