How to Find Student Accommodation in the UK

How to Find Student Accommodation in the UK

How to find student accommodation in the UK is a big concern for students who want to study abroad. Usually, it creates stress in students when they are thinking of living in a foreign country for a long time. Many things need to consider, such as financial matters, location, and distance. But you need to choose a student accommodation in the UK as early as possible according to the right location, price and environment. Early searching will help you in better research to choose the best one.

In terms of accommodation, there are two main options available in the UK- 

  1. The hall of residence or university on-campus/ off-campus dorms.
  2. Private housing or apartments

University dorms for student accommodation in the UK

If you have no problems with the crowd and are comfortable in it, then the university dormitory or residence halls is the best option. Usually, dormitories are of two types for student accommodation in the UK. One is private, and the university offers the other. The private ones are generally outside of the university and run by the private landlords.

The university dormitories usually consist of 5-6 rooms on a floor. A student can find many categories of rooms in the dormitory when studying abroad. Such as single, double, and deluxe. You can choose the room according to your budget. In the university dormitory student accommodation in the UK, a student may need to share a room with others. So this university dormitory option is suitable for the students who are social birds besides if a student is comfortable sharing space and things with others, including kitchen, toilet, bed etc.

There are many benefits of staying in the UK student dormitories. Such as getting new friends, learning people’s psychology, and most importantly, it’s time-consuming and affordable. The university dormitories are usually very close to the university. It means a student can be free from any transport cost, traffic etc. You can wake up a few minutes before the class and attend the lectures on time. When approaching to study abroad, a student should take the help of an expert. An education consultancy firm like AIMS Education can help you by suggesting and finding the best student accommodation.

Types of university student accommodation in the UK

Every UK university usually sets a student accommodation deadline. After getting the offer letter, you should check the university website to check the accommodation system. Most universities will send you a deadline on how to apply for student accommodation in the UK. Reading that, you should apply through the universities accommodation portal as early as possible.

How much is student accommodation in the UK? 

There is no specific amount for student accommodation in the UK. It usually depends on what type of room and facilities you are taking. But in most cases, when you get selected by the university’s student accommodation authority, you must pay rent in advance. It usually depends on the university how must rent needs to provide in advance.

Private student accommodation in the UK

Students may tend to search for private student accommodation in the UK after completing the first year. The private student accommodation to study abroad can be of two types. It can be privately run halls of residence or flats run by the landlords. You may share your room with the students of other universities also. If you don’t want to live in university halls, ask your university to recommend landlords.

Can I change my accommodation in the UK? 

You can ask for rehoused for student accommodation from the hall authority. But for that, you have to provide a solid reason as early as possible. For private accommodation, you may need to break the contract and may be charged for money.

When you study abroad and looking for private accommodation, be aware of some things. Don’t pay anything in advance before seeing the property.

Learn about the location when finding the student accommodation in the UK? 

In terms of private student accommodation in the UK, location matters. The rent of urban areas is greater than the price of rural areas. Staying in a rural area has benefits like being less crowded, less pricey, quieter and safer. You may have to reach the university by bus or train every day. But its cost is much lesser than the cost of staying in an urban area.

When you intend to study abroad, it’s better to research the location. Take the help of overseas education experts like AIMS Education to learn things properly.

Tips for finding student accommodation in the UK

There are some tips for finding a good student accommodation in the UK. For example,

  • Arrange everything before your arrival

Arrange everything in advance on student accommodation in the UK. I know arranging everything from home is very difficult in terms of studying abroad. But doing good research on the accommodation provider will save your time. You can also take help from the university authority as they also provide student accommodation services in the UK.

      ●  Find the location for student accommodation in the UK 

Learning the location is very important for student accommodation. Collect the data on the expensive and inexpensive areas, benefits, and distance. Take help from the best student consultancy firm to learn about the location. The counsellors of AIMS Education can help you greatly in this.

     ● Make sure the home provides you with all amenities

Before finding the student accommodation in the UK, do good research on its amenities. It is very important when you study abroad.

    ● Find the proper roommates

Studying abroad means you have to stay out of your comfort zone. You must need student accommodation in the UK. To minimize the living cost, you must share your room with others when choosing private accommodation. So it is wise to find the proper roommates.

How can AIMS Education help you with student accommodation in the UK? 

AIMS Education is a student consultancy firm that helps students study in the UK, USA, and Canada. AIMS Education serves millions of students to study abroad. The counsellors of AIMS Education will provide you with end to end support to study abroad. They will help you to find the best student accommodation in the UK.

FAQ-Frequently asked questions

Q. If you aren’t a student, can you get student accommodation in the UK?

Ans: No, the student accommodation is only valid for the students who want to study abroad.

Q. What to expect in the halls of residence in the UK?

Ans: You cannot expect the residence halls to be quiet where you can reserve your privacy. You can only survive in the hall if you are a social butterfly. You may have to share rooms, meals, and toilets when living in the hall?

Q. Does the university own accommodation?

Ans: Most universities have an accommodation system. Besides, when all the seats get reserved, the university authority can offer you private accommodation associated with them.

Q. Are laundry facilities available in the student accommodation in the UK?

Ans: Every student accommodation has laundry facilities. But they charge for the usage.

Q. What type of student accommodation system are available in the UK?

Ans: There are two types of student accommodation systems available in the UK. They are catered and self-catered.

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