Post-Study Work Visa in Australia

Post-Study Work Visa in Australia

Do you want to work and stay in Australia after finishing your studies? Here’s some good news for you. The Australian government offers post-study work opportunities for international students. You can apply for a subclass 485 visa, a post-study work visa in Australia, to stay 3-5 years more after completing your studies in Australia. This comprehensive guide will show how you can extend your stay with a post-study work visa in Australia.

What is a Post-study work visa in Australia?

The Post-Study Work Visa in Australia allows international students who have completed their studies at an Australian institution to stay and work in Australia temporarily after graduation. This visa is designed to allow eligible graduates to gain practical work experience related to their field of study.

Benefits of post-study work visa in Australia

The Post-Study Work Visa in Australia offers several benefits to international students who have completed their studies in the country:

  • Work Experience: It provides an opportunity to gain valuable work experience in Australia related to the field of study. This practical experience can enhance skills and increase employability both in Australia and internationally.
  • Extended Stay: The visa allows graduates to stay in Australia after completing their studies for an extended period, depending on the level of qualification obtained. This offers the chance to explore career opportunities, further education options, or simply experience life in Australia.
  • Flexibility: Graduates with a PSWV in Australia have the flexibility to work for any employer, in any occupation, and any location within Australia. This flexibility can be advantageous in exploring different job opportunities and industries.
  • Pathway to Permanent Residency: In some cases, the PSWV can serve as a pathway to permanent residency in Australia. Gaining work experience during the visa period may make graduates eligible for certain skilled migration or employer-sponsored visas.

Types of post-study work visa in Australia

Australia offers different types of post-study work visas for international students based on their level of qualification:

  • Temporary Graduate Visa (Graduate Work Stream): For graduates with skills and qualifications that relate to occupations on the skilled occupation list. It is valid for 18 months.
  • Temporary Graduate Visa (Post-Study Work Stream): Available to graduates who have completed a higher education degree in Australia. The duration of this visa varies depending on the level of study completed: two to four years for bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degrees.
  • Skilled Regional Visa: These visas are for graduates who wish to live and work in regional Australia. They require nomination by an Australian state or territory government or sponsorship by an eligible relative living in a designated regional area. They can be pathways to permanent residency.

Extended rights for a post-study work visa in Australia

The Australian government has implemented a new post-study work visa rule for international students. A two-year extension of post-study work rights is available for graduates with select degrees that are in areas of verified skill shortage. This extension will give eligible international graduates an additional two years on their Temporary Graduate visa. The extension is in addition to the existing two years of work rights for eligible students who study, live, and work in regional areas.

Duration of post-study work visa in Australia

From July 2023, The Australian government has extended the Temporary Graduate Work visa (subclass 485) for more than 400 bachelor’s and master’s programs and all Ph.D. programs. This means undergraduates in any of these 400 programs will now be able to stay and work in Australia for four years, rather than two years. Master’s students will be able to stay for five years, rather than three. Ph.D. graduates in any discipline will be able to stay and work in Australia for six years instead of four.

Eligibility requirements for the post-study work visa in Australia

Eligibility for a Post-Study Work Visa in Australia depends on various factors including:

  • Type of Qualification: You must have completed a qualification from an Australian education provider registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). Eligible qualifications include Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Doctoral degree, and some Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses.
  • Duration of Study: The duration of the course completed in Australia is a significant factor. Typically, the minimum study duration for eligibility is two academic years (92 weeks) for a Bachelor’s degree or higher.
  • Graduation from a Recognized Institution: You must have graduated from an institution that is authorized to offer courses to international students.
  • Visa Application Timing: PSWV applications must generally be lodged within a specified time frame after completing studies. This timing can vary based on the type of visa and individual circumstances.
  • Health and Character Requirements: Meeting health and character requirements is mandatory. This may involve undergoing health examinations and providing police clearance certificates.

How to apply for a post-study work permit in Australia?

Do you want to apply for a post-study work visa in Australia? Applying for a Post-Study Work Visa (PSWV) in Australia involves several steps:

  • Check Eligibility: Ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria for the specific PSWV subclass you intend to apply for based on your qualifications, duration of study, and other requirements.
  • Gather Required Documents: Collect all necessary documents, including your passport, academic transcripts, completion letter or certificate from your Australian institution, English language proficiency test results, health insurance, proof of financial capacity, and any additional documents specified by the Department of Home Affairs.
  • Create an ImmiAccount: Set up an ImmiAccount on the Australian government’s Department of Home Affairs website. This account allows you to submit your visa application online and manage correspondence with the immigration authorities.
  • Complete the Online Application: Log in to your ImmiAccount and fill out the online visa application form accurately, providing all required information and attaching the supporting documents.
  • Pay the Application Fee: Pay the visa application fee as required. The fee amount can vary based on the visa subclass and individual circumstances.
  • Biometrics and Health Checks: Depending on your country of origin and individual circumstances, you might need to undergo biometric data collection and health examinations. Follow the instructions provided by the immigration authorities regarding these processes.

Final words

Post-study work visa in Australia, allows students to work, travel, and gain practical experience in their field within Australia. It’s important to note that eligibility criteria, including the course of study, the institution attended, and the date of visa application might change over time, so always stay tuned to AIMS Education to get updated information regarding student visas in Australia.

Can I work in Australia after studying?

Ans: The Australian government offers post-study work opportunities for international students. The Post-Study Work Visa in Australia allows international students who have completed their studies at an Australian institution to stay and work in Australia temporarily after graduation.

Is there a post-study work visa in Australia?

Ans: The Australian government offers post-study work opportunities for international students. You can apply for a subclass 485 visa, a post-study work visa in Australia, to stay 4-6 years more after completing your studies in Australia.

Can I get PSW after a 1.5-year Masters in Australia?

Ans: Students must have at least two years of academic study in Australia to be eligible for a post-study work visa.

Can I settle in Australia after my master’s?

Ans: Yes. Students who complete their master’s can get PR easily if they fulfill the requirements of having required skills, English language proficiency, and qualifications.

Do international students get jobs in Australia after their master’s?

Ans: Students who enter Australia on an Australian Student Visa can work up to 20 hours/ week. After completing their course they can work full-time in Australia.

Is it easy to get PR in Australia?

Ans: While it may seem like an arduous process to get PR in Australia, compared to many other countries around the world it’s quite easy.

How long is a post-study work visa in Australia?

Ans: Undergraduates will now be able to stay and work in Australia for four years, rather than two years. Master’s students will be able to stay for five years, rather than three. Ph.D. graduates in any discipline will be able to stay and work in Australia for six years instead of four.

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